Dom obok Szkoły Amerykańskiej do wynajęcia


450 m2
8 pokoi

10 999 zł

Treść ogłoszenia

English description below

Zapraszamy do wynajmu eleganckiego domu zlokalizowanego w jednej z najbardziej prestiżowych części Konstancina, zaledwie 3 minuty od Szkoły Amerykańskiej.
Ten przestronny dom z dużym ogrodem oferuje komfortową przestrzeń na trzech kondygnacjach, z 8 pokojami, w tym 6 sypialniami. Całe wnętrze zostało urządzone i wykończone w bardzo dobrym standardzie, zapewniając przyjemne i luksusowe warunki dla nowych mieszkańców.
Dom znajduję się na zamkniętym osiedlu tylko 4 nieruchomości, posiada własne ujęcie wody, podwójny garaż itp.

Przepiękny ogród otaczający dom tworzy atmosferę spokoju i relaksu, idealną dla rodzin z dziećmi lub osób ceniących kontakt z naturą. Cicha i spokojna okolica sprzyja odpoczynkowi i prywatności, jednocześnie zapewniając łatwy dostęp do wszystkich udogodnień.

Dzięki bardzo dobremu dojazdowi do Centrum, mieszkańcy będą mieli szybki i wygodny dostęp do wszystkich atrakcji miasta, jednocześnie mogąc cieszyć się spokojem i urodą okolic Konstancina.

Nie przegap tej super oferty! Polecamy z całego serca! Dom jest dostępny do wynajmu od 1 czerwca 2024 roku. Skontaktuj się z nami już dziś, aby umówić się na oglądanie!

Welcome to the rental of an elegant house located in one of the most prestigious parts of Konstancin, just 3 minutes from the American School. This spacious house with a large garden offers comfortable living space on three floors, with 8 rooms, including 6 bedrooms. The entire interior has been furnished and finished to a very high standard, providing pleasant and luxurious conditions for new residents.

The house is situated in a closed community with only 4 properties, featuring its own water supply, a double garage, and more.

The beautiful garden surrounding the house creates an atmosphere of peace and relaxation, perfect for families with children or those who appreciate contact with nature. The quiet and peaceful neighborhood promotes rest and privacy while providing easy access to all amenities.

With excellent access to the city center, residents will have quick and convenient access to all the attractions of the city, while enjoying the peace and beauty of the Konstancin area.

Don't miss out on this superb offer! We wholeheartedly recommend it! The house is available for rent from June 1, 2024. Contact us today to schedule a viewing!

English description below

We invite you to rent an elegant house located in one of the most prestigious parts of Konstancin, just 3 minutes from the American School.
This spacious house with a large garden offers comfortable space on three floors, with 8 rooms, including 6 bedrooms. The entire interior has been furnished and finished to a very good standard, providing pleasant and luxurious conditions for new residents.
The house is located in a gated community of only 4 properties, has its own water intake, double garage, etc.

The beautiful garden surrounding the house creates an atmosphere of peace and relaxation, ideal for families with children or people who value contact with nature. The quiet and peaceful area is conducive to rest and privacy, while providing easy access to all amenities.

Thanks to very good access to the Center, residents will have quick and convenient access to all the city's attractions, while at the same time being able to enjoy the peace and beauty of the Konstancin area.

Don't miss out on this great deal! We highly recommend it! The house is available to rent from June 1, 2024. Contact us today to schedule a viewing!

Welcome to the rental of an elegant house located in one of the most prestigious parts of Konstancin, just 3 minutes from the American School. This spacious house with a large garden offers comfortable living space on three floors, with 8 rooms, including 6 bedrooms. The entire interior has been furnished and finished to a very high standard, providing pleasant and luxurious conditions for new residents.

The house is situated in a closed community with only 4 properties, featuring its own water supply, a double garage, and more.

The beautiful garden surrounding the house creates an atmosphere of peace and relaxation, perfect for families with children or those who appreciate contact with nature. The quiet and peaceful neighborhood promotes rest and privacy while providing easy access to all amenities.

With excellent access to the city center, residents will have quick and convenient access to all the attractions of the city, while enjoying the peace and beauty of the Konstancin area.

Don't miss out on this superb offer! We wholeheartedly recommend it! The house is available for rent from June 1, 2024. Contact us today to schedule a viewing!


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Nasze specjalizacje: mieszkania na wynajem i sprzedaż w Warszawie, luksusowe domy na sprzedaż i mieszkania-na-wynajem" class="ml-1 mr-1">wynajem, nieruchomości dla firm i ambasad, obsługa ekspatów, sprzedaż luksusowych nieruchomości Premium.

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In the case of contact via telephone or message, we process personal data in accordance with the GDPR in order to present an offer. The administrator of personal data is Prestige Real Estate sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Solec 18/20. You have the right to modify your data or withdraw your consent at any time.

Prestige Real Estate Agency - Apartments and houses for rent or sell in Warsaw.

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Ogłoszenie wysłane z programu dla biur nieruchomości ASARI CRM (

Powierzchnia: 450 m2
8 pokoje
2 piętra w budynku
Rok budowy: 2001
Numer oferty: 1005/16199/ODW
teren ogrodzony
centrum handlowe
plac zabaw
szkoła podstawowa
w aneksie
Dodatkowe zalety
Prestige Real Estate Sp. z o. o.
Piotr Bojanowicz
530 682 922

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